Kia Ora, I'm Lisa Miller 
AKA Ms Manifestor



Kia Ora, I'm Lisa Miller(Ms Manifestor), a travelling, beach crazy 50 something year old woman from New Zealand. An ex teacher and trained Educational Consultant who went on a quest to rewire my brain and my shift my energetics at the end of a unhappy marriage. I have spent the last ten years as a single Mum of two children and during this time I pivoted myself out of stinking thinking, out of patterns based on lack and reverse engineered my life.....
With 5 years of bad credit I still created my own house, and stepped into my own coaching business. And with the tools I created to support me to get out of lack thinking and lower emotions I am able to support you to do the same.
By being the person now that desires what you want is how something can show up. It's a BE, DO AND HAVE IT reality, not the other way around. And that's reverse engineering - shifting your thinking and energetics so you are being as if it's here already. We are all infinitely abundant but we are trained out of it from young.
I get really excited about my tools as they are so easy to implement and really make a difference, and you can tap into your own infinite well of abundance too. Even though others call me a lucky b**tch, I'm not - it's just I implement the tools and I have been doing this for 10 years. The things we really need to manifest are peace, fun and ease. And once we create this the physical things can actually manifest. The overworking and exhausted Mum I was 10 years ago was stopping the things that were available for me from literally showing up.

I am so excited you are here and that I can support you to reach your dreams without all the hard work, hustling, and all the toxic positivity. Come join me and lets BE IT TO SEE IT.